Alexandr Otroshko

Was born in Krasnodar territory on October, 14th, 1955.
Participant of international, republican, regional, city exhibitions since 1980 year.
Winner of Regional competition in the field of the fine arts (Krasnodar, 2009).
Member of the Artist's Union of the Russian Federation.
During his creative activity has created more than five thousand pictorial works.
His works are placed in the Art museum of Sochi, Krasnodar Exhibition Hall,
in private collections in Russia and abroad
He works and lives in Sochi.

8 918 408 21 58 Alexandr Otroshko
8 918 38 58 632 Lucy K. Bondarenko
You may find us at Sochi, Krasnodar

Alexandr Otroshko©All rights reserved

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